For a smooth driving experience, it is essential that the tires of your car must be in great shape. Apart from the rotating tires regularly, you must consider balancing the tires of your car on a regular basis as well. The wear and tear of the tire will increase if any of the tires are supporting disproportionate amounts of weight compared. When you drive your car at high speeds, a slight imbalance of weight can make the wheel spin irregularly which will ultimately damage the tires. If you balance your tires, your tires will not suffer damage and their performance and lifespan will be increased.

Why Balancing the Car Tires is Important?

Tire treadwear on a daily basis changes the distribution of weight around the wheel assembly and the tire. If the tires are balanced, there will be less vibration felt in the seat or floorboard, steering wheel, and helps in the proper treadwear of the tire. If your tires are balanced, you will get:

  • Less wearing of tires


  • Comfortable and smoother ride


  • Enhanced drive train components


How Often Should One Balance the Car Tires?

Any complete auto repair shop will help you understand when to balance your tires. The experts at the auto repair shop will better assess the situation and guide you accordingly. Normally it is recommended that the tires of your car must be balanced every 5000-10,000 kilometers. If you are facing these symptoms then your tires need balancing:

  • Feeling vibrations in your steering wheel at highway speeds


  • Vibration felt at seat or floorboard at highways


  • Cupped or scalloped wear patterns on your tires


Balancing the car tires is important for a smoother ride and keeping your car well-maintained. You must consider a complete auto shop for this job.

A-Z Tech Automotive is a leading name in complete auto repair. We can definitely help you balance your car’s tires. For more information about our services, call us at (949) 472-8111.